For as long as I can remember, I’ve been curious about one thing: What went right for my clients? I used to wonder if I was doing much at all, just being myself and sharing what I see. Over time, though, I began to understand through their feedback that I’m pretty good at this—better than I ever realized. But it wasn’t because I thought I was great; it was because they told me I was.
It’s funny how we often fail to see our own strengths until someone else points them out. I never doubted my skills, but I also didn’t fully grasp what it meant to be truly good at my work. It’s not about comparing ourselves to others—unless that comparison helps us grow. Reality checks are essential for high performers. They’re not an excuse for arrogance (though a little pride is perfectly fine when you’ve worked hard), but rather a way to understand why things work for some and not for others.
The truth is, understanding what doesn’t work is just as important as knowing what does. When you’ve figured that out, you don’t waste time on methods that are bound to fail. That’s where the excitement kicks in for me. The more I research, the more I’m surprised by how many people stick to methods that don’t work, all because there’s so much noise convincing them to do so.
We live in a world that loves to overcomplicate things. People think that by adding layers of complexity, they sound smarter. But being smart isn’t about explaining yourself endlessly. It’s about getting it, plain and simple. The smart ones don’t need to prove anything because they’re already living the life they’ve always wanted.
I don’t need to justify my abilities, you don’t either. My clients’ successes speak for themselves. They’re not living the life I designed for them—they’re living their own, fully in control. And that’s what real success looks like. It’s beyond words; it’s in the results.
So, stop overcomplicating your journey to becoming better. The answers are within you. You’ve always had them. It’s time to recognize that and take control.
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