Anna Chin
You're limited only by your imagination.
Hello, I'm Anna. I call myself a magician, a change agent, and a curious soul.
I can help anyone change any behavior, build new habits, and even improve medical conditions. I've lived multiple lives in different countries with different careers.
I'm a living proof of you can learn and master many things very quickly and begin living the life you desire, almost immediately.
I apply the same philosophy to my work. No matter who you are and what you're seeking to improve, as long as change is what you truly desire, you can expect to see results in 1 to 3 sessions.
Change is constant, like it or not. You're not the same person you were two years ago. Change takes place with or without your involvement. So the question is, what do you want that change to be?
I choose where my change goes. I choose to create the life I want because I can design it exactly the way I want. I encourage you to do the same because you'll finally be living your life, your way.
Areas of Expertise
Addiction, Anxiety, Autoimmune Diseases, Career Advancement, Communication, Confidence, Depression, Fears, Grief, Insomnia, Personality Disorders, Phobias, Relationships, Stress Management, Thyroid Problems, Traumas, and Weight Management.
"If you've tried to improve your condition for more than 3 months, it's time to consider an alternative."
-Anna C.
I've been where you are—introverted, socially awkward, timid, lacking confidence. I relied on medication to manage my thyroid, smoked heavily. That was then.
Now? I’m confident, assertive, I feel fantastic. I exercise 3 to 5 times a week, quit smoking cold turkey. I now live a healthy life doing all the things I love.
I’ve lived in multiple countries, speak 7 languages — 5 of them I speak fluently. Became a D-suite executive at 23, CEO at 30.
I've forgiven my family for all the childhood traumas. I’ve overcome grief and found peace with the loss of my beloved sister. I still speak to my ex-husband and his family—we still care for each other, despite the breakup.
Life is more beautiful than ever. I smile with joy because I’m living my dream life. I created it. I know how to do it because I’ve done it myself.
If there’s anything you want, anything at all—health, wealth, love—any changes you'd like to make - I can teach you how to teach yourself to become the person who has it all because, you can really have it all.
Are your sessions suitable for me?
I'd love to hear from you if:
✅ You're READY and is OPEN to change
✅ You believe change is POSSIBLE
✅ You trust the process,100%
⛔️ You prefer spending more time testing out different options
⛔️ You are not 100% ready to change
⛔️ You insist on doing things your way
Don't let fear or uncertainty hold you back any longer. With the right approach and guidance, your condition can be improved immediately!
WhatsApp: +1 917-720-3336